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adventurers, leap-takers, stargazers, Christ worshipers, newlyweds, fun seekers, small town turned city dwellers
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Monday, October 3, 2011


I don't adapt well to change, to say the least, so getting used to city life has been nothing short of challenging. However, I find that now more than ever God keeps placing wonderful people in our lives to guide us along the way. Lately, we have made the conscious decision to actively seek relationships by opening our schedules, our home, and our hearts and San Francisco is slowly starting to feel more like home because of this.

We have started a "foodie" group with our friends Jess and Travis. We take turns hosting dinner and we make meals from different countries. They started it off with a delicious french meal complete with cheese and champagne! Next, we made red curry, pad thai, and thai iced tea for (you guessed it) a meal from Thailand. We feel like we have gotten to know them so quickly and have loved every second of it!

New friends!
Ever since we sat next to the Wagners at church our first Sunday in the city, we knew they were put in our lives for a reason. For those of you who don't know the story: we knew no one when we went to church and happened to sit next to Brett and Annie who both grew up in Grass Valley! What a sign that God has brought us here for a reason :) Anyway, they moved here to start Redeemer City Church, so we have the pleasure of meeting every Sunday evening in their living room with Christians from many different backgrounds. We cannot wait to ride along on their journey.

Spending time with precious Naomi
We have also started attending a weekly community group that is connected with RealitySF, the church we have been attending. On Wednesday nights we meet with about 25+ people in a home nearby to learn more about God, pray together, and go over materials that Francis Chan is developing. It has been a great way to know people that live close to us and I am so glad this is becoming part of our weekly routine.

Two weekends ago,  Russell and I  took advantage of our days off and went to the flower market, explored Hayes Valley, and watched the Cal game. I always love weekends to explore!

We already had to say goodbye to some of our first friends in San Francisco, Matt and Margaret. He moved back to San Diego for school and she moved back to Sunnyvale for work. Luckily we could send them off with a visit to Off the Grid food truck fair in Haight. We ate yummy food and the two of us plan on going every Thursday!

My God parents visited us for a day this weekend! The weather was beautiful so we walked around Inner Sunset and the park, got to see the view from the DeYoung tower, and they treated us to an excellent seafood lunch at Tadich Grill, the oldest operating restaurant in California! I think the best part of the day was seeing their facial expressions as we rode muni. We also saw a movie being filmed while walking downtown!

Russell finished this bowl of ciopinot!

Now, I am enjoying the sound of the rain outside while reading a book and drinking hot chocolate. I could get used to this!

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